The Ava Innes Story
Based in Elgin, home of Scotland’s renowned cashmere industry, we take great pride in supporting traditional textile manufacturing in the UK as we lead the way with our unique and patented sustainable duvet filled with our perfect blend of cashmere guard hair and Scottish wool,
made in Yorkshire.
Our Ethos
For Ava Innes, luxury starts and ends with good nature. It is defined by ‘doing good, by doing better.’ It’s about the quality and sustainability of the natural materials we source and the relationships we forge, from supporting industry partners, to proudly manufacturing in the UK and all those enjoying the simple luxury of sleeping under cashmere.

Our Unique Blend
Cashmere is one of the most revered fibres known to humankind, yet only 30% of the fleece clipped from the goat is used in mainstream products. The long-haired fibre which protects the soft undercoat is often cast aside or used for industrial purposes. At Ava Innes, we recognise the value of its luxurious, warmth and naturally weighted comfort.
Who We Are
Our founder, Joan Johnston, has worked for over 20 years with British and international luxury brands such as Burberry, Ralph Lauren and Dunhill. From creative design and board director to business owner and university programme leader, Joan’s wealth of knowledge and expertise has brought her passion for sustainability, innovation, appreciation of natural luxury fibres and UK manufacture to Ava Innes. Joan developed our unique cashmere guard hair duvets and continues to innovate with new products planned.

Our Circular Approach
We believe in a circular economy, finding resourceful ways to use and extend the life of our materials and give back to people and the planet. This sustainable approach extends to recyclable packaging and, wherever possible, incentivised end-of-use product return, to help prolong the life of all materials used.
People and the Planet
Caring about people and the planet is at the heart of Ava Innes. Our most recent commitment is with One Tree Planted – a non-profit environmental charity on a mission of global reforestation. Choose to plant a tree with your order or we will we do this on your behalf.
Working with reforestations partners across the world in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific, this organisation plants trees in the ground to restore forests after fires and floods; protects habitats for biodiversity and also helps the wider community by creating jobs.